Finding the Right Disinfectant for Homecare | What You Need to Know

13 March 2024
3 mins to read
Cleaning your home isn't always enough; it's important to disinfect your home to help keep your family protected.
Many bacteria and viruses can survive in the environment and on surfaces for days at a time, and the only way to get rid of them is by using disinfectant products.
How can we get rid of viruses?
A virus aims to replicate itself but cannot do this alone. It needs to get inside of us to infect our healthy cells. If someone sick has been close to a surface, that surface can get covered with virus particles. These surfaces become temporary homes for the virus, especially on the hands of people who touch them. When we touch our faces with contaminated hands, we give the virus a way into our bodies.
Kimiya products can help by removing viruses from surfaces or our hands. This helps stop the virus from entering our bodies in the first place, breaking the chain of infection.
What's the difference between cleaning and disinfecting?
Cleaning removes unwanted contaminants, such as soil, dirt, and grease, from your hands, a surface, or another type of material. This usually involves using soap and water or a proper surface cleaner.
Disinfecting is inactivating bacteria, viruses, and fungi that may cause infections and disease.
What areas in your home need disinfecting?
The Kitchen
Your kitchen is an important place where keeping things clean is really important. This is where you make food; sometimes, harmful germs can make you sick. For example, E. Coli bacteria can come from raw meat, listeria from cheeses, and salmonella from chicken and raw eggs. To prevent the spread of these germs, clean your work surfaces with GermOff Surface Disinfectant* after preparing food, and use antibacterial soap like Lofy Hand Wash* after handling raw meat or eggs. It's also a good idea to clean the handles of your fridge and cupboards every week.
The Bathroom
Bathrooms can be full of germs because of toilets. When you flush, tiny particles from the toilet can land on surfaces. To keep things clean, use an antiseptic disinfectant to kill germs on surfaces.
Other considerations
When possible, open your windows to increase airflow through your home. Stagnant air allows germs to sit and expose others to illness.
Remind yourself and your family to wash your hands after using the bathroom, cleaning, changing a diaper or caring for someone sick.
Do some extra cleaning and disinfecting when someone in your home is sick.
How to disinfect toys
Disinfecting toys with a porous surface, such as stuffed animals:
If the item is machine washable, put it in a mesh laundry bag or pillowcase that is tightly secured at the top.
Wash the item on the delicate cycle using cold water and regular detergent or laundry sanitizer.
Please keep it in the mesh bag or pillowcase and dry it on a low setting.
Disinfecting toys with plastic or hard surfaces:
Remove any dirt or soil by washing it with soap and water.
Sanitize or disinfect the toy with EPA-registered products, following the instructions on the label.
Let the disinfectant dry, then rinse the toy before giving it back to the child. Make sure to sanitize toys that go in the mouth between uses. Avoid sharing toys without cleaning them, and disinfect shared toys or play areas regularly.
*Use disinfectants safely. Always read the label and product information before use.

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Kimiya International Soap Factory LLC

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